Our collections embodies damasks, lampasses, Liseree, silk or cotton satin and endorse both classic and contemporary designs immediately available.
The precious fabric has always been used in the vestments of the church and in prestly clothes, but also in the courts for gala dresses and in the furnishings of palaces.
Prestigious Lampasses generally woven in 100% silk and containing up to 15 colors. This type of fabric is suitable for upholstery, sumptuous bedspreads and upholstery valances.
Liseree endorsing both classics and contemporary patterns which are all woven with the most natural fibers. These are suitable for wallcovering, classic sofas and modern upholstery as well.
Brocatelle, not to be confused with brocade, is a textured fabric, with large colored designs obtained thanks to discontinuous weaves, which therefore do not cross the fabric in all its over. It is made on particular looms.
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